Coffee Pots and Formulas
It is that time of year again, time for revision. Now I don't do my IB exams until next may, but like the overachiever that I try to be I am also taking AS maths, so my head is full of formulas, algebra and numbers.
I work best in the morning, so there has been no lie ins for me this holiday. If you are the same as me I recommend a cup of milky coffee, and a relaxed breakfast before getting to work.
TIP 1: Work out when you work best, to maximise productivity!
Now you know when you are working, where will you do the work? I personally enjoy working outside as there are no distractions and I can't use my wi-fi, therefore no social networking!
TIP 2: Turn off all communications, and remove any possible distractions!
TIP 3: Work out how you revise! Here are some of the ways I revise:
- Flashcards
- Mind Maps
- Past Papers
- Mini tests
- Memory games (vocab, etc)
If you have any other methods please comment them below, and if you have any questions!
xo xo Miriam
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