The Pinafore.

The summer holidays have been a great chance to catch up on all the sewing projects I couldn't find time for during college and the other shorter breaks. I made this pinafore dress with the hope that it can be worn in any season, plus or minus a few layers of clothing depending on the heat. I used a black cotton with small white stars and dots on it, to avoid plain black, which would have been too close to my old school uniform for anyone's liking. I encountered one major problem, being the buttonholes and buttons my sewing machine doesn't sew these for you, so they were hand sewn and not brilliantly either. But overall I was happy with design and make of this piece, as it is the first item I have made using a pattern I made myself.

I hope to do a How To Wear series soon, so this will feature then, but for now I am just wearing is with a plain black bustier to show off the item.

As much as I had hoped to make this a DIY post, take picture while sewing is time consuming, so therefore I didn't do that... However I might make one in the near future as I am making another one for a friend. I spent approximately 5 hours on it, 5 hours I should have probably been studying but lets be honest here dressmaking/sewing is far more fun than making notes from textbooks! I am in Paris for the next 5 days so there will be a few queued posts if technology does as I wish it to.
See you on the other side possibly with a bit more french speaking ability we will see...
xoxo Miriam