
Photos/Intructions from left to right!
xoxo Miriam
P.S. I used Boutique Baking by Peggy Porschen her website is
Vintage Boutique Macarons.
Photos/Intructions from left to right!
- Preheat the oven to 100°C, draw circles around the base of a wide piping nossle on a sheet of baking paper and place on a baking tray.
- 4 Large egg whites, place in a large heat proof bowl.
- 200grams of icing sugar and 200grams of finely ground almonds. Mix together in a seperate bowl.
- Disolve 200grams of caster sugar in 100ml of water over a medium heat. Then bring the liquid up to the boil once it reaches 115°C,
- Whisk the egg whites until white and frothy.
- When the sugar mix reaches 120°C pour it into the egg whites slowly whilst still whisking slowly careful not to get any on the whisk. I suggest 2 people for this part.
- Once all the sugar mix has been incorperated gradually whisk the mixture faster until the mix reaches room temperature.
- Add a few drops of food colouring if desired.
- Slowly fold in the icing sugar and ground almond mix in 3 batches.
- Half fill a piping bag with a circlular nozzle abour half an inch wide.
- Pipe on the the baking tray you prepared earlier, pipe in a circular motion for each circle on the baking paper. (sorry there is no photo for this step)
- Leave to at room temperature for 15-30 minutes.
- Bake in the oven for 20-30 mintues (No accuracy due to a dodgy oven it was diffrent each time a put in a tray...
- Once baked leave to cool.
- For the filling whip some double cream with a drop or two of vanilla essence and sandwitch the macaron halfs together.
- Voila!
xoxo Miriam
P.S. I used Boutique Baking by Peggy Porschen her website is
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