DIY: Basic Skirt
You will need:
1m of your chosen fabric
1m of elastic
A sewing machine (this can be done by hand but it is time consuming)
Fabric scissors or pinking shears
Lots, and lots of pins
A measuring tape
Before making take the following measurements: Waist and waist to the desired length, for example the knee.
Cut the elastic inch longer than your waist measurement to allow for seams and/or mistakes when making.
Fold the fabric in half, then mark on how long you want the skirt to be plus 2 inches of seam allowance down the fold.
Then stretch the elastic as far as it will go and divide that number by 2. Now measure that length from the fold along the bottom of the fabric and make mark.
Cut the fabric, either using fabric scissors or pinking shears.
Mark 4-6 point on the fabric and the elastic at equal points then pin together. This will help when sewing to get a straight line.
Cut off any excess fabric.
Then go over the original stitching to with a zigzag stitch to make sure the elastic was firmly in place, and to improve the overall look of the skirt.
Then iron the skirt in order to get a neat hem line.
Fold the hem once then again to ensure that the edges don't fray.
Sew along the hem using a small zigzag stitch or a straight stitch, it depends on the material which will look better.
Pin together the seam, with right-sides facing. The sew using a straight stitch all the way to the bottom.
And TA-DA you have a lovely skirt to wear!
xoxo Miriam
P.S. The above skirt was made for fellow blogger Eleanor from Coffee with Croissants
P.S.S. All the above materials I bought in a local material factory shop.