The True Cost Movie And Why You Need To Watch It

So back in June Tolly from Tolly Dolly Posh Fashion, wrote a lil' blog post about this film, and it
took me about a month to get round to watching it. But I am so glad I did, as someone who is interested in the fashion industry and possibly even working as a part of it someday this film was almost compulsory watching, and it should be for not just fashion enthusiasts but everyone who consumes "fast-fashion".

There are some graphic scenes so if you are under 13, ask a parent to watch it first or with you.
The True Cost is a documentary film, about the impacts that the development of "fast-fashion" in "West" is impacting not only our mental health, but the physical health and the environment of the countries who produce the clothes and other fashion items for our consumption. The film is available here or on Netflix. This film is important in a number of ways, not only to raise awareness to the consumer but also to educate and show fashion brands the impact the outsourcing of their production lines has on communities and the environment. Not only that the film demonstrates the way in which "fast-fashion" companies have influenced our society in to consuming things we don't need because of the price, using YouTube haul videos as a reference to this change in the way we shop.

Since watching the film I haven't actually bought any clothing or fashion items, but I definitely will be making more informed choices about where I buy my clothes and the possible impact an item can have on the environment and the community it is created in. It is important that our spending habits and our awareness of the impact of the products we buy on the world change. Because the reality it a lot of the raw materials that are used to create fashion products are not infinite, they will run out. If this film didn't already hit home the fact that this cannot go on to me, the fact that one of the places they mentioned that is being affected is somewhere I have traveled to. The amount of pollution of the River Ganges especially near Varanasi, was obvious to me, and yet chemicals from the production of leather and other materials are pumped into the river everyday.

I really hope you go and watch this film, it is profound, eye-opening and as I said before compulsory watching for anyone who wants to work in fashion or cares about the planet and its people.

XO, Miriam

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  1. This sounds like my type of film. I have also been 'more aware' of my lifestyle choices as of late, and it'll be great to implement some of the changes I've recently on my lifestyle to clothing and beauty as well - thanks for sharing!

    Julia | themorningbowl.

    1. No problem! There are so many films and documentaries like this on netflix and youtube, I can't stop watching them!
